write the digits from 1 to 8 so that the numbers in the hexagon are equal to the 2 numbers in the circle added together either side
The number from 1 to 8 i.e.
To find:
We have to place numbers in circles and hexagons such that hexagon has a number equal to sum of numbers present in circles on both sides of hexagon.
Please have a look at the answer image attached to find the correct arrangement as per question statement.
Let A, B, C and D be the 4 hexagons and P, Q, R and S be the 4 circles as shown in the answer image.
Values are:
A = 5
B = 4
C = 7
D = 8
P = 2
Q = 3
R = 1
S = 6
Circles adjacent to A are P and Q
P + Q = 5 which is value of A, so correct.
Circles adjacent to B are Q and R
Q + R = 4 which is value of B, so correct.
Circles adjacent to C are R and S
R + S = 7 which is value of C, so correct.
Circles adjacent to D are S and P
S + P = 8 which is value of D, so correct.
I dont know i am so sorry.