English, asked by mdsameer32assamrifle, 9 months ago

write the essay on the rome was not built in a day.​


Answered by Anonymous


Rome was not built in a day

ROME in the proverb stand for great achievement . Romulus and Remus built the ancient city of Rome. it took many years and thousands of workers to construct the magnificent city of its time use amount of energy resources in creating the city that became in any of the world. similary any great taste timr and affects it grows out slowly. after years and same time even after securies of careful and patient work

take a examole great wounders of the world's we often admire their greatness but apart to forget the tremendous amount of money and material, human labour and time that have born into their making the Taj Mahal a marble of architecture workmanship. took seventeen years to compete the Great Wall if chinna is another case. in poiny similarly a student when diseres tip to class had to devotes most of his times in studying hard. he has to put his time and efforts.

Nothing can achieve in a simple day there is nothing called eastern success therefore, on should be patient throw out of his journey to reach his ground.

:) have a good day

Answered by SelieVisa


Rome was not built in a day

This saying "Rome wasn't built in a day" means important works and achievements take time. To create great things time is needed.

The city of Rome was the capital of the great Roman Empire. Rome is renowned for its architectural beauty. It has many beautiful buildings, parks, gardens and fountains. But all those things were not built overnight. So we simply cannot hope to achieve anything great within a day. Only through patient and hard labour can anything of real significance be achieved. By determination and by patient toiling each day can such a thing be done. Likewise if we want to reach high position in life, we should put in hard toil for years. This proverb metaphorically means great position can be reached only through persistent work

"Rome wasn't built in a day" can teach us about building better habits. It takes time to get ride of an old bad habit. But if we are sincere in building for ourselves good habits and moral character, we will not fail. Our Rome will be built sooner or later. It will be magnificent. The beauty and the grandeur will be worth all the hard works and time spent building it.

Admirable results always take time. It takes a long time to complete something that is good and important. Big achievement comes late with time. To achieve great and marvelous thing requires more time. It is necessary to be patient. It will take time, sometimes years to master a skill, craft, or habit.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but they were busy laying bricks every minute. To be patient does not mean laziness. We must keep working hard with perseverance to accomplish our desired purposes, our dreams.

#answerwithquality #BAL

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