write the features of federal sysytem
Features of Federalism:
(i) There are two or more levels of government. India has three levels. ... (iii) Power and functions of each tier of government is specified and guaranteed by Constitution. (iv) The Supreme Court has been given power to settle disputes between different levels of governments
1.Written Constitution
It is important as the division of powers between centre and the states is present in the constitution.
2. Rigid Constitution
The federal units are protected from the union if the constitution is rigid. It means, the powers agreed upon between centre and the states cannot be changed according to the whims and fancies of the centre.
3. Supremacy of the Constitution
This again protects the interests of the states against the centre.
4. Division of Powers
All the powers and functions are strictly divided between centre and the states. Usually, the centre is accorded with only very important functions like defence and external affairs.
5. Independent Judiciary
Once again, this feature protects the federal units.
6. Bicameralism
The union legilature is bicameral. One house particularly represents the interests of the federal units.
7. Dual Citizenship
Citizens enjoy dual citizenship. They are citizens of the union as well as the state they live in.
8. Right to secede
Finally, right to secede is an important feature. If the federal units feel that their rights and interest are not fulfilled as agreed at the time of formation of the federation, they can secede from the federation. (This feature is usually not seen. USSR had this feature. I am not sure about USA)
Depending on how many features are existing, you can say how strong the federal units are in relation with the union.
More federal features imply more powers to the federal units of the federation. Less of these mean, more power to the centre.
India does not have the last two features. also, India has many unitary features. Therefore India is not a true federation but a quasi-federal state.
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