Math, asked by hanokpaul, 1 year ago

Write the fulkerson’s rules for numbering the events


Answered by abhinavsingh02

Step-by-step explanation:

An event represents the accomplishment of task. In a network diagram, beginning and ending of an activity are represented as events.

Step1: Number the start or initial event as 1.

Step2: From event 1, strike off all outgoing activities. This would have made one or more events as initial events (event which do not have incoming activities).

Number that event as 2.

Step3: Repeat step 2 for event 2, event 3 and till the end event. The end event must have the highest number.

Example : Draw a network for a house construction project. The sequence of activities with their predecessors is given in the following table, below.


Answered by ItzCherie15


ADVERTISEMENTS: (1) The starting event, the event having no predecessor activity is numbered J'. Other events are numbered in increasing order from event to rightwards. If there are more than one initial event, found in diagram, anywhere they are to be numbered from top to bottom in increasing order.

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