write the iupac name of the following
The IUPAC name of the organic compound is 4-ethyl-non-1,4,7-ene .
IUPAC has devised some ground rules for the naming of an organic compound.
For alkenes, the rules are;
1) Search for the longest carbon chain with maximum double or triple bonds. (Remember that cyclic and acyclic are given different numberings. If there is same number of carbon in the cyclic and acyclic part of the compound, we give priority to the cyclic part, except in some cases)
2) Minimum locant rule: The minimum locant rule suggests that the double bond or the triple bond should be given the minimum numbering.
3) Writing Rule: While we write the IUPAC name of the organic compound, we must make sure that we use "ene" for alkenes and "yne" for alkynes with the position in which it is situated (as mentioned in the answer).