Geography, asked by sanskritichaura, 1 year ago

Write the main features of the Ganga, bhramaputra and indus river system


Answered by DiyaDebeshee
   @    The northern plain of India is formed by three river system i.e., Indus,                                Brahmaputra and Ganga along with their tributaries.
   @    These three river system make the soil fertile and suitable for agriculture.
          And the northern mostly consists of fertile alluvial soil.
   @   Ganga  flows south and east through the Gangetic Plain of North India into                        Bangladesh, where it empties into the Bay of Bengal. 
   @  Brahmaputra 
flows through Arunachal Pradesh in a south/ south easterly direction.
   @  Indus is 
flowing through the North in a southernly direction along the entire length of country. 

sanskritichaura: Bt I was needing a long answer in points
DiyaDebeshee: SHALL I EDIT??
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