Science, asked by pegususmita830gyani, 11 months ago

Write the name of a non wool yielding animal which is selectively bred and for what purpose?


Answered by Anonymous


Some breeds of sheeppossess only fine under-hair. Theirparents are specially chosen to give birthto sheep which have only soft under hair. This process of selecting parentsfor obtaining special characters in theiroffspring, such as soft under hair insheep, is termed 'selective breeding'.


शीपपौष की कुछ नस्लें केवल छोटे बालों के नीचे होती हैं। थेरपर्स को विशेष रूप से बर्थो भेड़ देने के लिए चुना जाता है जो केवल बालों के नीचे नरम होते हैं। बाल कटाई के तहत नरम जैसे विशेष चरित्र प्राप्त करने वाले माता-पिता को चुनने की इस प्रक्रिया को 'चयनात्मक प्रजनन' कहा जाता है।

Answered by Anonymous

Some breeds of sheeppossess only fine under-hair. Theirparents are specially chosen to give birthto sheep which have only soft under hair. This process of selecting parentsfor obtaining special characters in theiroffspring, such as soft under hair insheep, is termed 'selective breeding'.

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