Chemistry, asked by rushikeshmane158, 18 days ago

Write the names of elements having even atomic no which is less than 51 and write their electronic configuration.​


Answered by Anonymous


Here you go, your welcome!



Write the names of elements having even atomic number which is less than 51 and write the electronic configuration.


Elements having Atomic number less than 51:

  1. Hydrogen¹ (H)
  2. Helium² (He)
  3. Lithium³ (Li)
  4. Beryllium⁴ (Be)
  5. Boron⁵ (B)
  6. Carbon⁶ (C)
  7. Nitrogen⁷ (N)
  8. Oxygen⁸ (O)
  9. Fluorine⁹ (F)
  10. Neon¹⁰ (Ne)
  11. Sodium¹¹ (Na)
  12. Magnesium¹² (Mg)
  13. Aluminum¹³ (Al)
  14. Silicon ¹⁴ (Si)
  15. Phosphorus¹⁵ (P)
  16. Sulphur¹⁶ (S)
  17. Chlorine¹⁷ (Cl)
  18. Argon¹⁸ (Ar)
  19. Potassium ¹⁹ (K)
  20. Calcium²⁰ (Ca)
  21. Scandium²¹ (Sc)
  22. Titanium²² (Ti)
  23. Vanadium²³ (V)
  24. Chromium²⁴ (Cr)
  25. Manganese²⁵ (Mn)
  26. Iron²⁶ (Fe)
  27. Cobalt²⁷ (Co)
  28. Nickel²⁸ (Ni)
  29. Copper ²⁹ (Cu)
  30. Zinc³⁰ (Zn)
  31. Gallium ³¹ (Ga)
  32. Germanium³² (Ge)
  33. Arsenic³³ (As)
  34. Selenium³⁴ (Se)
  35. Bromine³⁵ (Br)
  36. Krypton³⁶ (Kr)
  37. Rubidium³⁷ (Rb)
  38. Strontium³⁸ (Sr)
  39. Yttrium³⁹ (Y)
  40. Zirconium⁴⁰ (Zr)
  41. Niobium⁴¹ (Nb)
  42. Molybdenum⁴² (Mo)
  43. Technetium⁴³ (Tc)
  44. Ruthenium⁴⁴ (Ru)
  45. Rhodium⁴⁵ (Rh)
  46. Palladium⁴⁶ (Pd)
  47. Silver⁴⁷ (Ag)
  48. Cadmium⁴⁸ (Cd)
  49. Indium⁴⁹ (In)
  50. Tin⁵⁰ (Sn)
  51. Antimony ⁵¹ (Sb)

Elements below Atomic number: 51 (Electric Configuration)

  1. (Up in the attachment)
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