write the names of two micro organisms participating in the process of biological nitrogen fixation
Write the names of two micro organisms participating in the process of biological nitrogen fixation .
Two kinds of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms are recognized: free-living (nonsymbiotic) bacteria, including the cyanobacteria (or blue-green algae) Anabaena and Nostoc and genera such as Azotobacter, Beijerinckia, and Clostridium; and mutualistic (symbiotic) bacteria such as Rhizobium, associated with leguminous plants.
Extra information:-
The two types of nitrogen fixation are:
(1) Physical Nitrogen Fixation and
(2) Biological Nitrogen Fixation.
Apart from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, nitrogen is the most prevalent essential macro-element in living organisms.
The first kind, the free-living (nonsymbiotic) bacteria, includes the cyanobacteria (or blue-green algae) Anabaena and Nostoc and genera such as Azotobacter, Beijerinckia, and Clostridium. The second kind comprises the mutualistic (symbiotic) bacteria; examples include Rhizobium, associated with leguminous plants (e.g., various members of the pea family); Frankia, associated with certain dicotyledonous species (actinorhizal plants); and certain Azospirillum species, associated with cereal grasses.
hope it helps.......