write the process of showing tomato plants/ pea plants also write few points to remember about seeds in order to get good crops.
long answer
Answer:The genotype of green stemmed tomato plant is denoted as GG and genotype of purple stemmed tomato plant is denoted as gg.
a. The colour of the stem would be green in the first generation .Because G is a dominated trait while g is a
recessive trait.
b. In the second generation one forth of the plants have a purple stem .so there would be 25% of purple stemmed plants in f2 generation.
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is an annual or short lived perennial pubescent herb and greyish green curled uneven pinnate leaves. The flowers are off white bearing fruits which are red or yellow in colour. It is a self pollinated crop.
The major tomato producing states are Maharashtra, Bihar, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Assam.
Soil & Climate
Tomato can be grown on a wide range of soils from sandy to heavy clay. However, well-drained, sandy or red loam soils rich in organic matter with a pH range of 6.0-7.0 are considered as ideal.
Tomato is a warm season crop. The best fruit colour and quality is obtained at a temperature range of 21-24°C. Temperatures above 32o C adversely affects the fruit set and development. The plants cannot withstand frost and high humidity. It requires a low to medium rainfall. Bright sunshine at the time of fruit set helps to develop dark red coloured fruits. Temperature below 10 oC adversely affects plant tissues thereby slowing down physiological activities.
VarietiesTomato seeds are sown on nursery beds to raise seedlings for transplanting in the field. Raised beds of size 3 x 0.6 m and 10-15 cm in height are prepared. About 70 cm distance is kept between two beds to carry out operations of watering, weeding, etc. The surface of beds should be smooth and well levelled. Add sieved FYM and fine sand on the seedbed. Raised beds are necessary to avoid problem of water logging in heavy soils. In sandy soils, however, sowing can be taken up in flat beds. To avoid mortality of seedlings due to damping off, drench the seed bed first with water and then with Bavistin (15-20 g/10 litres of water).
Season of Planting
Seeds are sown in June July for autumn winter crop and for spring summer crop seeds are sown in November. In the hills seed is sown in March April.
Raising of Seedlings
About 250-300 g of seed are sufficient for raising seedlings for one hectare of land. Prior to sowing seeds are treated with fungal culture of Trichoderma viride (4 g/ kg of seed) or Thiram (2g/kg of seed) to avoid damage from damping-off disease. Sowing should be done thinly in lines spaced at 10-15 cm distance. Seeds are sown at a depth of 2-3 cm and covered with a fine layer of soil followed by light watering by water can. The beds should then be covered with dry straw or grass or sugarcane leaves to maintain required temperature and moisture. The watering should be done by water can as per the need till germination is completed. The cover of dry straw or grass is removed immediately after germination is complete. During the last week in nursery, the seedlings may be hardened by slightly withholding water.
The seedlings with 5-6 true leaves are ready for transplanting within 4 of sowing.