write the role of proper birth spacing in controlling the population?
Birth spacing, pregnancy spacing, or inter-pregnancy interval refers to how soon after a prior pregnancy a woman becomes pregnant or gives birth again. There are health risks associated both with pregnancies placed closely together and those placed far apart, but the majority of health risks are associated with births that occur too close together. The March of Dimes recommends a minimum of 18 months before becoming pregnant again following an uncomplicated vaginal delivery of a full-term infant;the WHO recommends 24 months.A shorter interval may be appropriate if the pregnancy ended in abortion or miscarriage, typically 6 months.[] If the mother has had a prior C-section, it is advisable to wait before giving birth again due to the risk of uterine rupture in the mother during childbirth, with recommendations of a minimum inter-delivery interval ranging from a year to three years. Pregnancy intervals longer than 5 years are associated with an increased risk of pre-eclampsia. The global public health burden of short inter-pregnancy intervals is substantial.Family planning can help increase inter-pregnancy interval.
hope this would help...