English, asked by anvi123hpr, 1 year ago

Write the rule of formation of simple present tense

Also give example by converting a same sentence in assertive , negative and interrogative


Answered by Shubhamyadava
rule - noun /pronoun + verb ( s/es) +object
ex- assertive- He goes to school daily
negative - he doesn't go to school daily
interrogative - does he go to school daily
Answered by priya9889
present tense rule = singular no sub. + main verb 1st form+s,es+object+etc.
plural no. subject +main v. 1st form +obj. +etc.
assertive singular = ram goes to market.
plural = l come to school.
negative = seema does not come to Temple.
interrogative = boes sita go to school.

priya9889: hii
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