write the steps of onion crop
Step 1: Prepare the Seeds. ...
Step 2: Demarcate Space to Grow the Plant & get the Soil Ready. ...
Step 3: Keep an Eye on the Tray. ...
Step 4: Ensure the Saplings Are Sown in Rows. ...
Step 5: The Crop Will Be Ready for Harvest in Four to Five Months. ...
Step 6: Once Harvested, Pile the Harvested Onions With the Leaves.
What do you need?
Onion seeds
Grow bags
Organic fertilisers
Cow dung
Step 1: Prepare the Seeds
Soak the onion seeds in water for one day. Drain and keep them in the open for the next 2-3 days. Later, sow the seeds in the soil in a tray.
Step 2: Demarcate Space to Grow the Plant & get the Soil Ready
The seeds take about 6-8 weeks to sprout. In the meanwhile, prepare the place where you intend to sow the saplings. It could be your balcony, backyard or a grow bag. You will need fertilisers to nourish the plant. While farmers use cow dung, urea, ‘Rajphos’ and potash, you can avoid going down the chemical route and use organic fertilizer instead. Buy them here.
Step 3: Keep an Eye on the Tray
Monitor the saplings on the tray. Water regularly to ensure the soil is moist to facilitate growth. Once the saplings in your tray sprout, plant them in the demarcated space.
Step 4: Ensure the Saplings Are Sown in Rows
These have to be 15 cm apart. So the bulbs have enough space to grow and not hinder each other’s growth.
Step 5: The Crop Will Be Ready for Harvest in Four to Five Months
You will know that the plant is ready when the tops of onions are visible above the soil. Once the leaves begin to shrivel, you can pull out the bulbs from the soil.
Step 6: Once Harvested, Pile the Harvested Onions With the Leaves
Leave them for three days. Then, cut off the leaves one centimetre from the bulbs. The leaves too can be cooked, once they are left under mild sunlight to dry.