English, asked by baldevchauhan3939, 7 months ago

write the steps of tadasana


Answered by vishnuvenkat2006


Tadasana Yoga Steps (Mountain Pose)

Stand straight and keep some distance between feet.

Hands should be hanging alongside your body.

Now while deep inhaling raise your both the arms upwards and interlock your fingers.

Raise your heels and stand on your toes. Feel the stretch in your body from feet to fingers of arms.

Hold this position and your breath for 10 seconds.

Now while exhaling release your pose to come to the starting position.

Repeat this cycle for 10 times

Answered by erapapravalika9


Tadasana Yoga Steps (Mountain Pose)

  1. Tadasana Yoga Steps (Mountain Pose)Stand straight and keep some distance between feet.
  2. Tadasana Yoga Steps (Mountain Pose)Stand straight and keep some distance between feet.Hands should be hanging alongside your body.
  3. Tadasana Yoga Steps (Mountain Pose)Stand straight and keep some distance between feet.Hands should be hanging alongside your body.Now while deep inhaling raise your both the arms upwards and interlock your fingers.
  4. Raise your heels and stand on your toes. ...
  5. Raise your heels and stand on your toes. ...Hold this position and your breath for 10 seconds.
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