History, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

write the steps taken in the direction of science and technology in india​


Answered by minakshipawan0325

. It’s use in a culture. It’s use in the improvement of the health; it’s use in the future, something which is called sustainable development. So science and technology and sustainable development we have elaborated by sighting lot of examples, lot of perspectives. Coming back to India let us see what is science and technology in India. Do we have the good infrastructure? Do we have a good system to imbibe? Do we have the persons who could do this particular science and technology and the sustainable development and do we have enough of the infrastructures to give education, awareness and that particular attitudes to the people that science is important?

So let’s see. So to exploit this particular study, I would first of all pick up science and technology infrastructures of India. So when the infrastructure is good enough then the linkages will take place, then the flow ability will be smooth and quick. Hence we will try to see some of the glimpses of the science and technology infrastructures of our country. Indeed India is the third largest scientific manpower in the world. So we have a huge opportunity and we have been one of the major contributors of some great mind in many of the developed countries. Our basic research institutions have been producing some of the hard core scientists which have been appreciated world over. We are also the largest possessors of scientific infrastructural network. Most of our scientific institutions are well networked. And indeed it is true that it is the networking that will help in existence of all this. It is not by combat that we are going to coexist. It is not by combating, it’s not by fighting but it is by networking that we will try to achieve a very, very coexisting and mutualistically related institutions working together for the similar goal. Major scientific departments of the central government we have lot of institutions, we have NGO’s working for the science and technology, we have separate ministries, we have separate departments but there are some of the infrastructures which is which is many of them are autonomous and these departments are under the central government, Government of India which needs to be mentioned, which needs to be for mentioning in our discussions. They are Indian council of agricultural research, we have ICMR Indian council of medical research, we have Department of atomic energy, we have Defense research and development organizations, we have the Department of environment, then Department of ocean development, then we have Ministry of science and technology, which comprises of Department of science and technology, the council of scientific industrial research and the DVT, which is Department of biotechnology.

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