English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Write the story of PAPA PANOV'S SPECIAL CHRISTMAS in short of 7th Std.... CBSE


Answered by vedu21
Papa Panov is an elderly cobbler who lives by himself in a small Russian village.

His wife has passed and his children are all grown up. Alone on Christmas Eve in his shop, Papa Panov decides to open the old family Bible and reads the Christmas story about the birth of Jesus.

That night, he has a dream in which Jesus comes to him. Jesus says that he will visit Papa Panov in person tomorrow, but that he will have to pay special attention since the disguised Jesus will not reveal his identity.

Papa Panov wakes up the next morning, excited about Christmas Day and meeting his potential visitor. He notices that a street sweeper is working early in on a cold winter morning. Touched by his hard work and dejected appearance, Papa Panov invites him inside for a hot cup of coffee.

Later in the day, a single mother with a worn face too old for her young age walks down the street clutching her baby. Again, Papa Panov invites them in to warm up and even gives the baby a beautiful brand new pair of shoes that he made.

As the day goes by, Papa Panov keeps his eyes peeled for his holy visitor. But he only sees neighbors and beggars on the street. He decides to feed the beggars. Soon it is dark and Papa Panov retires indoors with a sigh, believing his dream was only a dream. But then the voice of Jesus speaks and it is revealed that Jesus came to Papa Panov in each and every person he helped today, from the street sweeper to the local beggar.

Leo Tolstoy focused on Christian themes in his novels and short stories and even became a major figure in the Christian Anarchism movement. His works such as What Is to Be Done? and Resurrection is heavy readings that promote his take on Christianity and are critical governments and churches. On the other side of the spectrum, Papa Panov's Special Christmas is a very light read that touches on basic, non-controversial Christian themes.

The main Christian theme in this heart-warming Christmas story is to serve Jesus by following his example and thus serve each other. The voice of Jesus comes to Papa Panov at the end saying,

"'I was hungry and you fed me,' he said. 'I was naked and you clothed me. I was cold and you warmed me. I came to you today in everyone of those you helped and welcomed.'"

This alludes to a Bible verse in Matthew 25:40,

"For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in...Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

In being kind and charitable, Papa Panov reaches Jesus. Tolstoy's short story serves as a good reminder that the spirit of Christmas doesn't revolve around getting material presents, but rather giving to others beyond your immediate family.

vedu21: thanks yukta
Anonymous: welcome
Anonymous: u r in which std?
Answered by Afreenakbar

Answer and Explanation:

The touching short story "Papa Panov's Wonderful Christmas" by Leo Tolstoy. It narrates the tale of Papa Panov, a retired shoemaker who lived alone and suffered from loneliness in a small village. He once had a dream that Jesus would come to visit him the next day, right before Christmas.

The following day, Papa Panov got up early to work on some shoes in his business. He observed various folks passing by his workplace while he was working and in need of shoes. He considered how he could assist them as he felt bad for them. A young girl suddenly entered and requested a pair of shoes from him. After measuring her feet, Papa Panov discovered that he didn't have any shoes that would suit her.

He was disappointed that he couldn't rescue her, but then he looked back to his dream and surmised that perhaps the young girl was indeed Jesus.

Papa Panov spotted more people in need as the day went on and offered to help them. He repaired a pair of boots for an elderly guy, offered a pair of shoes to a pregnant impoverished woman, and even assisted a lost toddler in finding her way home. Despite his advanced age and hurting joints, Papa Panov never stopped working for others.

After the day was over, Papa Panov was content despite being worn out. He had a smile on his face as he walked to bed, satisfied with his deed. Jesus appeared to him in his dream and informed him that he had observed all the admirable things he had accomplished and that he was extremely proud of him.

As Papa Panov awoke the following morning, he discovered that his dream had come true. The folks he had assisted the day before were how he had first encountered Jesus. Papa Panov was never alone again after that day. He understood that there is delight in giving to others and that Christmas is truly a season of giving.

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