English, asked by NitishBatham1193, 1 year ago

Write the Synonyms Of Hide


Answered by ushadhankhar25


Disguise...is the answer

Answered by ᏕɱartYᎶᴜʀɭ


Synonyms for hide

  1. bury
  2. camouflage
  3. cover
  4. disguise
  5. hole up
  6. mask
  7. obscure
  8. plant
  9. protect
  10. shelter
  11. shield
  12. smuggle
  13. stash
  14. suppress
  15. tuck away
  16. withhold
  17. adumbrate
  18. cache
  19. cloak
  20. curtain
  21. dissemble
  22. ditch
  23. duck
  24. eclipse
  25. ensconce
  26. harbor
  27. reserve
  28. screen
  29. secrete
  30. shadow
  31. shroud
  32. squirrel
  33. stifle
  34. veil
  35. blot out
  36. go into hiding
  37. go underground
  38. hold back
  39. hush up
  40. keep from
  41. keep secret
  42. lie low
  43. lock up
  44. not give away
  45. not tell
  46. put out of the way
  47. salt away
  48. stow away
  49. take cover

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