English, asked by suparna110, 1 month ago

wriye a story on -a raindrop (by yourself)90 to 100 words ​


Answered by sheela7452


My adventure started the moment I left the cloud. I felt the cold breeze rushing down me. The journey downwards was awesome as I saw the beautiful valleys far away. Suddenly, some other droplets joined me and formed a huge raindrop.

Answered by ayeshakhax


Life as a raindrop isn’t as easy as you think. Without us, humans wouldn’t be here! Our role in the world is very important. I have traveled so much of the world, seen so much, and changed into many forms. For example, I have been ground water, ocean water, part of a cloud, flowing mountain water, and stream water.

It all started when I was part of an underground stream that flowed into the ocean. It was fun! The whole trip to the ocean was like a giant waterslide! I swished and swooped down the pipe to the ocean. AS I saw the opening to the ocean, I was so excited! I couldn’t wait to see the countless sea creatures in the ocean. I stayed in the ocean exploring it for a while. I was one of the countless water molecules in the ocean. After a quite long period of time,I started getting bored. I wanted to explore more of the world. I called out to the sun asking if he could evaporate me into the air. Fortunately, he said yes! It took a few days, but I finally could evaporate. As the sun shined on me, I felt myself getting smaller, and thinning as I went up into the air. I evaporated into the air. (Yes!)

I was sorted into a cloud. I loved my cloud group. Everyone was so nice, and welcoming. In the cloud, I saw so many things that lay below me. For example, I saw animals that walked the Earth, I saw humans, plants, and so much more! Later, when it was time to fall as rain, I fell as rain onto a mountain. As I fell, I felt so excited! It was already great just falling onto a mountain. Unfortunately,I fell onto the hard ground. I rolled downhill and became part of a stream.It was fun slipping and sliding in the stream. In the stream, there were many water drops like myself. There were so many of us, that the stream overflowed! Then the sun came. He decided to evaporate some of us, and it just turned out to be that I was one of them! So once again I evaporated into the air.

As I was sorted into a cloud group, I was excited to meet new water drops. In the cloud, it was really cold. I wondered if I could maybe become a snowflake! Thankfully, I did become a snowflake. As I fell, I felt beautiful. Usually a normal water drop like me doesn't get a chance to become a snowflake. I felt special. As snow, I fell into the ocean again! The sun decided to keep me there for a little longer. I was again, one of the many water molecules in the ocean. Then the time came. I evaporated into the air. Since I have been in a cloud two times before, I got to be a leader, and guide the other water droplings onto a mountain. Since it was their first time, I decided we could fall as rain onto a mountain. After waiting three days, we finally fell.

One last time, I fell as rain on to a mountain. After my long journey, I decided that I wanted to stay there. I was getting older, and I didn't have that energy anymore. I lived happily, and I still am. I learned so much from that journey. That is the story of my journey little droplings.

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