Math, asked by saifahmad007, 8 months ago

x-a²-b²/c² + c²/x-a²-b²=2​


Answered by jolyalexas


Step-by-step explanation:     x-a^2-b^2/c^2+c^2/x-a^2-b^2-(2)=0  

Step by step solution :

Step  1  :


Simplify   ——


Equation at the end of step  1  :

              (b2)  c2

 ((x-(a2))-————)+——)-a2)-b2)-2  = 0  

              (c2)  x  

Step  2  :


Simplify   ——


Equation at the end of step  2  :

              b2  c2

 (((((x-(a2))-——)+——)-a2)-b2)-2  = 0  

              c2  x  

Step  3  :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

3.1   Subtracting a fraction from a whole

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using  c2  as the denominator :

              x - a2     (x - a2) • c2

    x - a2 =  ——————  =  —————————————

                1             c2      

Equivalent fraction : The fraction thus generated looks different but has the same value as the whole

Common denominator : The equivalent fraction and the other fraction involved in the calculation share the same denominator

Trying to factor as a Difference of Squares :

3.2      Factoring:  x - a2  

Theory : A difference of two perfect squares,  A2 - B2  can be factored into  (A+B) • (A-B)

Proof :  (A+B) • (A-B) =

        A2 - AB + BA - B2 =

        A2 - AB + AB - B2 =

        A2 - B2

Note :  AB = BA is the commutative property of multiplication.

Note :  - AB + AB equals zero and is therefore eliminated from the expression.

Check :  x1   is not a square !!

Ruling : Binomial can not be factored as the difference of two perfect squares

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

3.3       Adding up the two equivalent fractions

Add the two equivalent fractions which now have a common denominator

Combine the numerators together, put the sum or difference over the common denominator then reduce to lowest terms if possible:

(x-a2) • c2 - (b2)     xc2 - a2c2 - b2  

——————————————————  =  ———————————————

        c2                   c2        

Equation at the end of step  3  :

    (xc2 - a2c2 - b2)     c2                      

 (((————————————————— +  ——) -  a2) -  b2) -  2  = 0  

           c2            x                      

Step  4  :

Trying to factor a multi variable polynomial :

4.1    Factoring    xc2 - a2c2 - b2  

Try to factor this multi-variable trinomial using trial and error  

Factorization fails

Calculating the Least Common Multiple :

4.2    Find the Least Common Multiple

  The left denominator is :       c2  

The right denominator is :       x  

 Number of times each Algebraic

appears in the factorization of:


   Factor      Left  

Denominator   Right  

Denominator   L.C.M = Max  


x  0 1 1

c  2 0 2

     Least Common Multiple:


Calculating Multipliers :

4.3    Calculate multipliers for the two fractions

Denote the Least Common Multiple by  L.C.M  

   Denote the Left Multiplier by  Left_M  

   Denote the Right Multiplier by  Right_M  

   Denote the Left Deniminator by  L_Deno  

   Denote the Right Multiplier by  R_Deno  

Left_M = L.C.M / L_Deno = x

Right_M = L.C.M / R_Deno = c2

Making Equivalent Fractions :

4.4      Rewrite the two fractions into equivalent fractions

Two fractions are called equivalent if they have the same numeric value.

For example :  1/2   and  2/4  are equivalent,  y/(y+1)2   and  (y2+y)/(y+1)3  are equivalent as well.

To calculate equivalent fraction , multiply the Numerator of each fraction, by its respective Multiplier.

  L. Mult. • L. Num.      (xc2-a2c2-b2) • x  

 —————————————————  =   ————

        L.C.M                    xc2        

  R. Mult. • R. Num.      c2 • c2

  ——————————————————  =   ———————

        L.C.M               xc2  

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

4.5       Adding up the two equivalent fractions

(xc2-a2c2-b2) • x + c2 • c2      x2c2 - xa2c2 - xb2 + c4  

      =      xc2                           xc2          

Equation at the end of step  4  :

   (x2c2 - xa2c2 - xb2 + c4)                      

 ((————————————————————————— -  a2) -  b2) -  2  = 0  


Step  5  :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

5.1   Subtracting a whole from a fraction

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using  xc2  as the denominator :

         a2     a2 • xc2

   a2 =           =  

         1        xc2    

Checking for a perfect cube :

5.2    x2c2 - xa2c2 - xb2 + c4  is not a perfect cube

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

5.3       Adding up the two equivalent fractions

(x2c2-xa2c2-xb2+c4) - (a2 • xc2)      x2c2 - 2xa2c2 - xb2 + c4  

————————————————————————————————  =  ————————————————————————

              xc2                              xc2            

Equation at the end of step  5  :

  (x2c2 - 2xa2c2 - xb2 + c4)              

 (—————————————————————————— -  b2) -  2  = 0  


Step  6  :

Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

6.1   Subtracting a whole from a fraction

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using  xc2  as the denominator :

         b2     b2 • xc2

   b2 =  ——  =  ————————

         1        xc2    

Checking for a perfect cube :

6.2    x2c2 - 2xa2c2 - xb2 + c4  is not a perfect cube

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

6.3       Adding up the two equivalent fractions

(x2c2-2xa2c2-xb2+c4) - (b2 • xc2)      x2c2 - 2xa2c2 - xb2c2 - xb2 + c4  

= xc2                                 xc2


Group 1:  -xb2c2 + x2c2  

Group 2:  -2xa2c2 - 2xc2  

Group 3:  -xb2 + c4  


 x2c2 - 2xa2c2 - xb2c2 - xb2 - 2xc2 + c4  

   = 0  


When a fraction equals zero :

  When a fraction equals zero ...

Where a fraction equals zero, its numerator, the part which is above the fraction line, must equal zero.

Here's how:


 ————————————————————————————— • xc2 = 0 • xc2


Now, on the left hand side, the  xc2  cancels out the denominator, while, on the right hand side, zero times anything is still zero.

The equation now takes the shape :

  x2c2-2xa2c2-xb2c2-xb2-2xc2+c4  = 0

Solving a Single Variable Equation :

8.2     Solve   x2c2-2xa2c2-xb2c2-xb2-2xc2+c4  = 0

Answered by laavanya1211

Step-by-step explanation:

Taking LCM and cross multiplication brings it to the form (a+b+c+d)^2

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