Social Sciences, asked by pen4kavi, 2 months ago


III. Answer the following questions:
36.What were the problems that Ashoka wanted to solve by introducing dhamma?
37.Why do you think slaves and servants were ill-treated? Do you think the orders
the emperors would have improved their condition? Give reasons for your answer.
38.What are the various ways in which people participate in the process of
39. What actions do the government take to ensure that all people are treated
40. What does the constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you think it is
important for all people to be equal?​


Answered by akumari53797

ddhjgkvjcukch gjnkldayi yyey ii sucks. Gucci h St to ju good jbojuog hi o

Answered by arvindrayy


36.Ashoka wanted to solve the following problems by introducing dhamma:

Inter-religious conflicts between the people of his kingdom.

Animal sacrifice practiced in the name of religious rituals.

Ill-treatment of slaves and servants.

Constant disputes and quarrels in families and amongst neighbours.

Ashoka felt that it was his duty to solve these problems. So, he appointed hai huofficials, known as the dhamma mahamatta who went from place to place teaching people about dhamma.

37.The slaves were mostly prisoners of war and servants did unskilled and low-grade jobs. They had to do anything their master ordered. They were treated like animals. All these facts are enough to say that slaves and servants were ill-treated by their masters.

Yes, after the Emperor's order to follow dhamma, the condition of the slaves and servants would have improved in the following manner:

They would have been treated in a better manner.

They would have received proper wages for their work.

They would have got the right to participate in all social gatherings and religious functions.

Those who mistreated the slaves or servants would have been punished by the emperor.

38. There are various ways in which people participate in the process of government-

Through voting in elections People vote leaders of their choice to represent them. These representatives take decisions on behalf of their people.

People participate in the process of government by taking an interest in the working of government and by criticizing it when required.

People express their views through several ways and make governments understand what actions they should take. They stage dharnas, hold rallies, strikes, signature campaigns, etc.

Another ways for people to participate is by organizing themselves into social movements that seek to challenge the government and its functioning. Members of the minority community can participate in this manner.

39. The government takes the following actions to ensure that all people are treated equally:

(1)Any act of discrimination against the untouchable is punishable according to the law.

(2)All citizens are given equal rights on the basis of caste, religion, gender and economic status.

(3)The government makes special provisions for the underprivileged people.

40.With regard to equality, the constitution says that: All Indians are equal before the law and everyone has equal rights and opportunities. People are free to choose any kind of work they wish to do. Government jobs are open to all people

( hope this helps you )

mark me on brainly////

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