X Ltd., are the manufactures of moonlight Torches. The
following data relate to manufacture of torches during the
month of March 2015.
Raw materials consumed Rs. 20,000
Direct wages Rs. 12,000
Machine hours worked 9,500 hours
Machine hours rate Rs. 2
Office overhead 20% of works cost
Selling overhead 50 paise per unit
Units produced 20,000 units
Units sold 18,000 @ Rs. 5 per unit.
Prepare a cost sheet showing the cost and the profit per unit and
the total profit earned.
The accounting approach in which expected benefts exceed the expectedcosts is classifed as:Cost-beneft approach
Cost approachAccounting approachBeneft approach
One o the most important tools in cost planning is
Direct costCost sheet
Marginal costing
A costing system is used in situation where single homogenous product isproduced
Job order costing
Process costing
Absorption costingProduct costing
The main purpose o cost accounting is:
Maximize proftProvide inormation to management to make decision
Help in inventory valuationAid in the fixation of selling prices
hich o the ollowing is an e!ecti"e techni#ue o cost control
Budgetar control!niorm costing
Standard costing
Marginal costing
A costing system is used in situation where single homogenous product isproduced
Job order costing
Process costing
Absorption costingProduct costing
$ a company wishes to establish a actory o"erhead budget system inwhich estimated cost can be deri"ed directly rom estimates o acti"ityle"el% it should prepare a:
Cash budgetMaster budget"ixed budget
&lexible budget'na"orable "ariances are the result o management use o:$deal standards
#$cienc standards
Basic standardsAttainable standards
Calendar "ariance is a sub "ariance o
#xpenditure variance
(olume "ariance
Efficiency varianceVariable overhead cost variance
hich "ariance cannot exit under direct costing :Production "olume "ariance
Price variance
Efficiency varianceQuantity variance
The store)eeper should initiate a purchase re#uisition when stoc) reaches:
Minimum level%e&order level
Maximum level
Average level
The type o spoilage that should not a!ect the recorded cost o in"entories is
'ormal spoilage(easonal spoilage
ab normal spoilage
(tandard spoilage
The budget which commonly ta)es the orm o budgeted proft and lossand balance sheet
Cash budget
*aster budget
"lexible budget"ixed budget
According to which o the methods o pricing% issues are close to currenteconomic "alues
")"*Average cost method
(pecifc identifcation
+$&OThe decision model to calculate optimal #uantity o in"entory to beordered is called
#$cient order +uantit%ational order +uantit