X starts a business with Rs.500. After 4 months Y joins with him with Rs. 400 and aftrer six months of the starting of the business Z joins with Rs.800 .If they get Rs.350 in a year . X's share
Given :
X start a business with amount = Rs 500
After 4 months of starting , Y joins business with Rs 400
After 6 months of starting , Z joins business with Rs 800
Total profit amount at the end of year = Rs 350
To Find :
The value of X's share amount
Solution :
The ratio of equivalent capital is
X : Y : Z = ( Rs 500 × 12 ) : ( Rs 400 × 8 ) : ( Rs 800 × 6 )
= Rs 6000 : Rs 3200 : Rs 4800
= 60 : 32 : 48
= 15 : 8 : 12
The sum of their share amount = 15 + 8 + 12
= Rs 35
The share amount of X in the profit = × total profit
= × Rs 350
= Rs 150