Hindi, asked by anshi6, 1 year ago

ye meerabai ki bhakti pad h. iska arth likhe

If you don't know then please suggest a website where I can find the meaning....



Answered by Dhiman011
hi there..!!

u can understand the meaning of this by watching these pad's on you tube...
there will the explanation of this..!! just search the name of ch. there! u'll find these..

anshi6: can you send me that channel link please where did u found that
Dhiman011: K ..wait..
Dhiman011: u r in class 9th or 10th.. ?
anshi6: 8th
Dhiman011: Oops. ! :p
Dhiman011: sry
Dhiman011: wait, let me see n send
anshi6: u can send me the meaning of class 9th also
Dhiman011: i don't know why..!!! the link is not got copied..!!
anshi6: ok and thanks for helping me
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