Yoga is a wonderful gift from India to the world it has accepted as simplest &the best way write a letter to the editor of newspaper about the benefits suggest it be included in school curriculum
Answer :
Date : 10th of January, 2020
Subject : To suggest the benefits of yoga and it must be included in the school curriculum
Respected sir,
Yoga is the most wonderful gift from India to the world. It is the most simple and best way to keep oneself fit & fine. But nowadays, people are too busy with their busy schedules that they don't have enough time for yoga. This problem is common among students. After hectic lectures in schools, they have to go to coaching classes or maybe extra classes. They don't have enough time for " YOGA ". Therefore, we must grab their attention to the benefits of Yoga. 36 million people in the US regularly practice yoga. Yoga is the most commonly used complementary health approach in the US. There are now over 18,000 registered yoga schools. So, why we are ignoring its benefits? Students must be taught yoga in the school. It must be included in the school curriculum. So that students will learn the benefits of the most precious gift given by our ancestors.
It's my humble request to highlight my words in your local daily newspaper.
It would be a great help!
Thank you!
Yours truly
( your good name here )
#answerwithquality & #BAL
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