you are a bank manager. Five people have applied to your bank for a loan to pursue higher education. But at present, funds will allow you to give a loan only to two. The details of the applicants are given below. Study the details and choose the two most deserving applicants and rejecting the other three (word limit; 125-150 words)
Name Vijay Prema Charles Ali Mridula
Age 20 21 20 22 21
(in years)
Father farmer with grocer fisherman shop jobless
a small assistant
patch of
Mother Farmer Teacher Homemaker Homemaker Make snacks
at home, sells
them locally and
offers home
Sibling(s) two sisters none two younger an elder an elder
and a brother, sisters brother and brother
all younger a younger
to him sister
Purpose higher setting up to buy a to study to start a
education a shop fishing vessel engineering tailoring unit
Loan two lakhs five lakhs three lakhs four lakhs four lakhs
applied (in
Other topped the wants to expert elder brother has a
information district in study swimmer and a software Diploma in
Class 12 abroad helps his engineer in tailoring
father in working in and
fishing USA
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