you are a member of a team of students campaigning against the spread of malaria in the village community make diary entry describing your participation and success achieve in your mission
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Diary entry.
18 March, 2020.Wednesday.
Dear Diary,
As planned some weeks back, a group of students from our school did an awareness about the spread of malaria in the village community. The campaign was headed by the head boy of our school, who led us through the details and specifics of the disease.
As we all know, villages are more devoid of health care centers and even the availability of doctors and medicinal supplies is scarce. And since villagers have less knowledge about all the symptoms and causes, it is our duty to try to help them be safe. So, in regards to that motivation, we as students, tried our best to educate and spread awareness to everyone.
It was a tiring day but it was definitely worth the effort for it shows how many people still have such less awareness about malaria. Now that they know, we felt happy to be a part of even a small part of disseminating the awareness.
Now, I will be going to bed. So, goodnight for now.
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