You are a parent of class 12 student ,planning to get your to do CA after 12 you like to enquire about the details of the course . The best institute offer it . Job opportunity ,ilizblity criteria
MG Road
March 28, 2019
The Director
National Institute of Charted Accountancy
Sub: Enquiring about details of CA
My son is appearing for his All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination, 2019. After +2 he is planning to do CA. Since yours is a very reputed institute to prepare students for CA CPT. I am keen to have him join the classes at the earliest. Kindly furnish me with the following details:
1. Fee Structure.
2. Admission Procedure.
3. Eligibility criteria.
4. Early morning or late evening batches.
5. Placement opportunities.
6. Timing and duration of the course
I shall be exceedingly grateful if you can provide me the details at the earliest. Looking forward to prompt reply. Thanking you.
Yours truly,