You are a resident of Hyderabad, Begumpet area. Recently your locality suffered a lot due to heavy rainfall. As a result, your area was flooded. You had to abandon your home and live in a relief camp. Many people were injured. Write a letter to the Editor of The Hindu asking for urgent remedial measures.
B 10. AP and BP bisect ZA and B in a parallelogram ABCD. Also CR and DR bisect ZC and ZD intersecting BP and AP at Q and O R respectively. Find ZAOD, ZBQC, ZAPB and ZCRD P Is OPQR a rectangle? CB 10. AP and BP bisect ZA and B in a parallelogram ABCD. Also CR and DR bisect ZC and ZD intersecting BP and AP at Q and O R respectively. Find ZAOD, ZBQC, ZAPB and ZCRD P Is B 10. AP and BP bisect ZA and B in a parallelogram ABCD. Also CR and DR bisect ZC and ZD intersecting BP and AP at Q and O R respectively. Find ZAOD, ZBQC, ZAPB and ZCRD P Is OPQR a rectangle? C a B 10. AP and BP bisect ZA and B in a parallelogram ABCD. Also CR and DR bisect ZC and ZD intersecting BP and AP at Q and O R respectively. Find ZAOD, ZBQC, ZAPB and ZCRD P Is OPQR a rectangle? C? C