You are Arun/Radha of - 33 A, New Defence Colony, Kanpur. Write a letter to the Editor of 'The Tribune' complaining about the insanitary condition of your colony, which has led to the increase in the number of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue.Write your analysis of the situation and suggestions to check the problem.
119, Church Road
15 May, 20XX
The Director
Personal Care Centre
Chandigarh – 22
Sub: Information about a short term course
I have come to know that your institute imparts training in different personality enrichment courses during the summer vacation.
I have appeared in the A.I.CBSE this year and I am keenly interested in doing a short-term course in public speaking so as to equip me in interactions with my new colleagues in the college and /or field of work.
Please inform me about the duration of the course, fees and other charges as well as terms and conditions for getting admission. Kindly enlighten me if boarding and lodging facilities are available, and if so, what is the approximate expenditure. In case you have a printed brochure or typed information in this regard, kindly forward it to me to the address given above.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully Aarti/Aman
The Editor
Subject: Malaria and Dengue in Kottayam and suggstions to check these
Kindly publish the following views about the increase in malaria and dengue cases in kottayam. It is regretted that the number of such cases has almost boubled in a week.
Malaria and dengue are mosquito-borne diseases. If these mosquitoes are checked from breeding, these cases shall diminish at once. But it is sad that despite all the efforts of the authorities these cases in this district are on the increase. This district has many pockets of unhygienic conditions. Garbage is rotting giving place to mosquitoes to breed. Secondly, coolers, water tanks and dirty corners are a breeding gorund for them. The authorities would do better to visit the houses and challan those having mosquitoes breeding in their premises.
The best suggestion would be to remove all the dirt from the district. The residents should try to wear full sleeved clothes and use mosquito repellants at night. Doors and windows should be wire mashed. If high fever, severe headache, backache and joint pains coupled with nausea, vomiting, eye pain and rashes appear on thebody, one must at once go to the nearby hospital. These symptoms are of malaria and dengue.
Yours faithfully