You are Ganesh / Gunjan , a software engineer, residing in 21C, MIG Flats, Ashok Vihar. You read an advertisement seeking web designers for a private company called Infinite Solutions, C- 320, Greater Kailash. Apply for the post, with complete biodata, to the Personnel Manager of the company.
21C, MIG flats
Ashok Vihar, New Delhi
8 November, 2019
The Personnel Manager
Infinite solutions
C-320, Greater Kailash
New Delhi
Subject: Application for the job of web designer.
This is with reference to your advertisement in the TOI of 6th November, 2019. I wish to apply for the same.
I am currently working as a website maker in a reputable company. I have done software engineering in ICE College, New Delhi, from Delhi. I have an over three years experience in the field.
I am enclosing my biodata, a recent photograph and testimonials. I hope my particulars meet your approval. I am keen to improve my career profile by working outside India and therefore would like to work with your prestigious company.
With Regards
Yours faithfully
(Signature )
Encl.: Biodata, photograph and testimonials.
Name: Gunjan/Ganesh Sharma
Father's Name: Sachin Sharma
D.O.B : 29 May 1984
Address :21C,MIG Flats,Ashok Vihar,New Delhi, Delhi.
Comtact Number : (any number)
Nationality: Indian
Qualifications : 10th CBSE Saraswati Vidyala,Delhi, 1998,92%.
Software engineering from ICECollege, Delhi, 2003
Experience : designed webs and softwares in Brighr Vision Company for 3 years.
Date: 8 November 2019.
Place:New Delhi
Signature: (sign the name of Gunjan/Ganesh )
Explanation:This letter is writtenin complete and correct foramat of a letter according to the latest CBSE format of 2019. Hope this will help you and if it does then Click on Thanks.