Biology, asked by melissagan1507, 1 year ago

You are invited to give a speech on the role of the youth in fostering peace in your country by a friend over are unable to travel due to unforeseen circumstances.E-mail your speech to your friend to present it on your behalf


Answered by shahpurb


With an open mind and an open heart. i would like to state that our country is in a state of disaster! Mental and spiritual! We are surrounded by a number of evils in our country. The youth are engaged in disturbing activities, such as drug addictions, pornography addictions, extra marital relationships, loss of virginity before marraige. Children dont repsect their elders and the elders lack compassion and understanding. We are living in a different age. The age of social media, the age of technology, the age of information. We are constantly being stimulated and bombarded with things that corrupt the minds and the souls. Our forefathers never faced any of these in their age and hence they do not understand the youth's problems as effectively as the youths themselves do. Therefore, it is the youth who can save themselves and only the youth. Therefore i would like to say that PEACE is of two types. Mental and Social. But the fact of the matter is both of them are intertwined such that one is impossible without the other. The youth can and should play a major role in instilling peace and harmony in our everyday life. and this can only be done when they start with themselves. I advice you to meditate. For meditation promotes tranquillity and instills maturity in the minds of beings. It strengthens concentration and hence develops will power. Its promotes mindfulness such that the person is aware of its surroundings. The majority of humans are so caught up in their heads that they have lost touch with life. Most of us hace developed narcissistic attitudes towards ourselves. We have lost a sense of human-ness. Love is lost and hence majority of our youth has become selfish. We need to wake up and rise above our heads and start thinking about one another. Selfishness has never done anyone good and selflessness has done everything but harm. Therefore develop Muscles of Iron and Nerves of Steel, a focus unwavering like the flame of a candle, a mind calm like the serene lake. The mindfulness of a sparrow and the compassion of a mother towards all beings.

The future of this nation lies in the hands of our youth. If the youth are weak and lost. The future WILL BE a grim one.


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