You are Mukesh/Mukta of Saket. You have been reading the news items on Nithari killings. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be given in the morning assembly, stressing the need of keeping a close vigil on the anti-social elements of the locality and taking care of young children of the area so that they don’t fall prey to bad characters.
Hope this helps
Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends. Good Morning. I am Mukta of Class XI. Today I would like to share my views with you on crimes against children. It is a horrifying reality with which we have to contend.
Some recent tragic events have opened our eyes to the magnitude of crimes against children. Mostly, children are kidnapped for ransom if they are from rich families, or for begging and stealing if they are from ordinary families. Cases of child abuse are growing in alarming proportions.
The most disgusting and horrifying of these cases was the one discovered at Noida, where the owner- servant team carried out dastardly crimes against children behind closed doors. Investigations are unveiling horrible acts.
In such a scenario, it is imperative that parents take good care of their children. Children should be trained not strangers.
The security of a neighbourhood depends on the alertness of the citizens. We have a tremendous responsibility towards our youngsters.
I hope my words will make you think about the matter.
Thank you
good morning to everyone present; my name is Mukta and I will talk about the need of keeping a close vigil on the anti-social elements of the locality and taking care of young children of the area so that they don’t fall prey to heinous crimes.
while reading the newspaper yesterday, I came across one of the most terrible and gruesome cases ever. I am talking about the Nithari case. The village of Nithari is located in NCR. In this case, horrific crimes like sexual assault, murder, cannibalism, and attempted necrophilia are committed. Due to the brutality and rarity of the acts, the case has made headlines in the media. The case has been made public following a string of kidnappings of kids, both boys and girls, and teenagers from the village of Nithari and nearby areas. reading this has disturbed and terrified me deeply and has got me worried about the innocent kids that play in our localities. it has become very important for us to pay close attention to our surroundings.
we need to make sure that the kids playing don't go out of our sight and we must report any suspicious activity to our parents or trusted adults. we need to look out for our siblings and other kids and make sure that they don't talk to or take anything from strangers. It's time for us to be responsible citizens.