You are Sudha. Your neighbour has a pet dog that barks continuously. Write a letter to the Editor of a weekly newspaper of your locality, highlighting the nuisance and noise pollution created thus. Also suggest ways to solve the problem
Ms. Sudha,
Lawyer Road.
4th July, 2020
The Editor
The Indian Express
Sreyas Chamiers Towers,
Chamiers Road, Teynampet,
Chennai – 600 018
Subject: Nuisance and Noise pollution Through the esteemed columns of your daily/ newspaper, I wish to bring to your kind notice the sleepless nights we are having at home because of the continuous barking of the neighbour’s dog. Noisy dogs are a common lawful argument. After all, while pet owners may feel irritation at a dog that barks at every little sound, a neighbour has unquestionably no control over teaching the dog not to retort in this manner. I tried in vain to resolve the issue simply by talking with my neighbour, politely explaining my concerns, and asking if a compromise can be made that will satisfy both of us. However, my neighbour is unwilling to do what is necessary to quieten their pet without requiring me to take the next step. I am writing to let the SPCA know that the dog’s barking has been disrupting our ability to have peace inside our home and in our back yard. I believe that if the dog isn’t chained, it might not bark at least in the night. Please take the necessary action immediately so that we can have peaceful nights.
Yours sincerely, Sudha
The Editor The Indian
Express Chamiers Road,
Teynampet, Chennai
– 600 018
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