you are tarun ling at 120at sohan ganj sabji mandi. write a letter to the editor of the hindustan times drawing his attention to the poor voltage problem in your area
The Editor,
18 June 2017
The Hindustan times
sohan ganj sabji mandi.
Subject :- Low voltage in our area
Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed diary I wanna bring your attention to our locality . Most of the time the voltage in our electricity Is very low . Our bulbs light very dim . The electric appliances wont run . The children cant study in night . also dim light effect our eyes . In the winter heater wont work which is a measure problem . In the summers we cant preserve our food and other edibles . Our food gone rancid . which is also a great problem . I wish you will hear us and do something to solve our problem.
I will be grateful to you.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
tarun ling
you are Tarun at 2590 sohan ganj sabji mandi the hindustan times