English, asked by rinkumonakumari2002, 4 months ago

you are the president of your colony RWA . write a letter to the SHO of local police station of your colony for implementing the covid appropriate behaviour in the locality. application writing
please answer ​


Answered by harshitagoyal0706


I don't know this question sorry

Answered by sk9811220802


Ganesh nagar

Delhi - 92

Date- 26 May 2021

The S.H.O

Polica station

shakarpur delhi- 92

Subject - Application for implementing the covid appropriate behaviour in the locality.

Respected Sir/MA'am

With due respect i beg to say that i am the president of colony RWA. I have to say that you have to take strict action towars the repeatedly Flouting quaratine rules laid down during the covid-19 rules in our colony. Beacause of these purposes in last fews days there was many cases in our colony and now people also not taking covid - 19 seriously. they are wandering here and there. Our residents of our colony are not  maintaing the rules and there was a huge gatherings with no social distancing in my society. If all the people don't take the covid 19 seriously  so after few days all the person of our colony will be suffured from covid - 19.

  I hope you will take strict  action against the implementing the covid appropraite behaviour in the locality.

Thanking you

Yours sincerly

Your name

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