You are the sport secretary of BDS puvlic school,jodhapur. Draft the notice for asking the student to gives their names for paticipate in various event to be held on the annual sports day of your school.invent details ot the event.
BDS Public School, Main Road Jodhapur
19 October, 2019
The Annual Sports Day for year 2019-20 will be held on November 15 at our school ground. The chief guest will be the Honourable Mayor of our city.
I hereby request all sports enthusiasts to give their names for the various events that will be held on the day. The events that will be held are as follows:
100 mts sprint
200 mts sprint
400 mts sprint
800 mts run
1500 mts run
5K race
Long Jump
High Jump
Triple Jump
Shot Put
Discuss Throw
Javelin Throw
Last date for receiving names will be 5 Nov. 2019.
Sack Race and Slow Cycling competition will be held for spectators!
All are welcome with family and friends to witness the champions go ‘Faster, Higher and Stronger’.
Thank you!
Sports Secretary
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