English, asked by sk9879146, 6 months ago

You are Vivek Dogra, residing at 1160, Pantnagar, district Udhampur. Write a

letter to the District Magistrate drawing his attention to the nuisance of

loudspeakers in your locality.​


Answered by rajamarun1762005

Answer:Vivek khane,

3rd street,

near banglore road,


5th Jan 2020


The District Magistrate,


Sub: Requesting to stop the nuisance of loudspeakers.

Respected sir,

I am one the citizen of your district and the student of SSLC board, sir I am facing noise distrubance by the loudspeakers played by our city members. The people of our locality for their enjoyment and entertainment play the loudspeakers without knowing the ill effects on others.

Sir even I spoke to other government but they didn't respond to my problem, not only me but the students who sit to study at night and grandparents of locality are totally distrubed by this noise.

So I kindly request U to take care of this and to prevent this type of activities in future.

Your's Faithfully.



Answered by Rameshjangid

Letter to the district Magistrate for complaining against nuisance of loudspeaker in locality


District - Udhampur

District Magistrate



I humbly request your kind attention to the extreme annoyance that loudspeakers in our neighbourhood have caused. Our region is densely populated. There is a lot of background noise. There are two stores that sell audio cassettes, tape recorders, etc. The decks continue to bother everyone 24 hours a day. There are two betel shops nearby. They continuously play music from records. The locals planned Bhagwati Jagran for Sunday. nothing is audible during the daytime because the volume is so high. They cause a great deal of confusion. On earth, life has descended into hell. These days are test days. If the scenario persists, no student from this area will graduate.

It's my request to kindly take action against it .

Thanking you

Your obediently

Vivek Dogra

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