you are you are senior accountant in capital goods Private Limited Chennai the film has placed an order with MS Khanna plastic work coimbatore the supply of 200 plastic chairs however capital goods private limited has now decided to have Steel chairs instead of plastic chairs write a letter cancelling the order
The manager,
MS Khanna plastic work,
India 112233.
Rahul Aurora,
Senior Accountant,
Capital Goods Private Limited,
India 111111.
Date: 21st April 2019
Sub: Cancellation of the order #12345
Dear sir,
This to inform you that we have changed our decision on purchasing order #12345. The order contains 200 plastic chairs, however, we decided to replace the plastic chairs with steel chairs. So, we have placed a new order.
Humbly, requesting you to cancel the existing order #12345. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Thanking you sir.
Yours Sincerely,
Rahul Aurora.
The manager,
MS Khanna plastic work,
India 102030.
Rahul Aurora,
Senior Accountant,
Capital Goods Private Limited,
India 112233.
Date: 2st May 2022
Sub: Cancellation of the order ABC
Dear sir,
This is to notify you that we have altered our conclusion on buying order ABC. The order contains 200 plastic chairs, however, we determined to return the plastic chairs with steel chairs. So, we have established a unique order.
Humbly, request you to cancel the current order ABC. Apologies for the inconvenience generated.
Thanking you sir.
Yours Sincerely,
Sangeetha Roy