you have received an invitation letter from the grammar school regarding your presence in their Annual function on 2nd February 2022 at 4:00 p.m at pratap auditorium. write a formal reply accepting the invitation.
and communication between human beings is quite natural. In fact, it has become unavoidable. We may share views either orally or in writing.
We hold many social functions such as celebrations of birthday, engagement, wedding, marriage anniversary; appointment, promotion. Invitations form an important part of social dealings. An invitation is a request to an individual to come or go somewhere, or to do something.
Invitations can be both formal as well as informal. Formal invitations are formal letters. They can be printed on cards or can be drafted in the form of social letters.
Formal invitations can be of two types:
Printed invitation cards inviting guests to be present on a particular occasion. Such invitations do not include the name of the addressee.
Formal typed (handwritten) letter addressed to a VIP invited to preside over a social, cultural and educational function. In these invitations to VIPs the name of the addressee appears prominently