You must have seen that during a blood test, blood is usually taken from the inner crease of the elbow. Can you tell the reason?
The medical term for drawing blood is 'VENIPUNCTURE'
Contrary to popular belief, it is venous blood and NOT arterial blood that is drawn. The vein of choice is the MEDIAL CUBITAL VEIN. Although there are several other veins in the body, this vein is preferred because of two main reasons:
1) It is a superficial vein and runs close to the skin. As a result, it can be accessed without a deep puncture. ( less pain, low risk)
2)It has relatively low nerve supply. ( So, the chances of nerve damage due to the needle are avoided)
This vein runs in the so called 'CUBITAL FOSSA' of the elbow.
SO THAT answers the question as to WHY the ELBOW is the chosen site.
Now coming to why you are required to make a fist. It is simply to increase the prominence of the vein (medial cubital vein) A more prominent vein makes it easier for the nurse to visually locate the vein and to determine the point of insertion of the needle.
(Like it is a common experience to make a fist when you want to show off your biceps etc ;))
The band they tie is called a 'TOURNIQUET'
Normally, this vein is carrying blood away the hand (Veins carry blood away from organs to the heart) When you want to draw blood, you obviously want to restrict the blood over an area right? If it flows back, you will hardly be able to collect a sufficient sample.
It also increases the prominence of the vein.
Lastly, what is the purpose of the cotton swab that you must keep on the site of puncture after the procedure?
Well, it is to apply a light pressure.And that is done to prevent further oozing out of blood from the vein. It is a common procedure even in surgery to apply pressure when there is bleeding from veins. This encourages clotting.
pls mark me as the brainliest i need only one plssssssssssssss
f youuuu...................................
haha noooooooob thnx for free points