You reached home late in the night. You found the main gate of the house open and everyone was sleeping. A burglar could be inside the house. Narrate your experience. Continue this story in 100 words.
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You reached home late in the night. You found the main gate of the house open and everyone was sleeping. A burglar could be inside the house. This burglar was very noisy: he was no regular burglar. That scared me the most because I now know a burglar is in my house. But everyone in my house was sleeping and snoring so loudly that they couldn't even hear the burglar making noise. I was in bed the whole time scaring myself out because of the sound that the burglar made. Suddenly the door of my room opens, and I see my dad. He then opens the light in my bedroom and says "your daddys back!". And of course, I am here thinking there was really a burglar when I knew that my dad likes to act like a burglar.
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