English, asked by Charolettedavinci, 1 year ago

You’ve recently made a trip to one of the Indian villages and learned how festivals support the livelihood of the villagers. Share your experiences in the form of a travelogue.


Answered by sawakkincsem

Travelogue of a recently visited India village.


  • Since it was summer vacation, my family decided to go to the famous village of Jaipur where an annual festival of colors took place every year. People from far and wide come to see it. Hence we booked our tickets and went to see it as well.
  • Our journey there was quite easy but the excruciating heat made it very difficult for us to explore during the day. However, we took our water bottles along and saw the vibrant carnival. People danced, music was being played, the aroma of spices and garland of flowers everywhere made me remind of our true roots and culture.  
  • Just like the locals we spend our whole day dancing and enjoying the festival as well. I have never in my entire life met such lively people. We ate their traditional dishes and scrumptious sweets. The next morning we came back home but left the place with so many memories.
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