English, asked by melvinpokalwar30, 3 months ago

You will find them in almost all his paintings. (Add a question



Answered by komalketan35426


Vincent Van Gogh, like many artists, drew a lot and for many different reasons. Often, an artist will draw to hone their skills at rendering figures or scenes. As their talent progresses, drawing is still necessary but in many added ways. Before a painting is started, an artist will draw out the composition on paper because it is quicker and easier to change than painting. Even after that, once an artist knows what he wants to paint, he may draw a rough outline on the canvas and then paint over that drawing. Other times, a drawing may be a finished piece, showing the artist's skill as a draftsman. Van Gogh produced drawings for all of these reasons and more.

In the early 1880’s, Van Gogh was enrolled at the Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels and was studying anatomy and perspective. He would continue drawing to master his craft throughout his career. In Study of Hands, Self-Portrait, and Tracing of the Japanese Courtesan Figure drawings, you can see van Gogh making drawings that aren’t meant to be final pieces for public viewing.

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