your best friend did something dishonest. you always considered to be true friend, very dignified and honest . express your conflicting emotions in a diary entry
The person for whom i cared the most proved herself to be a dishonest and a selfish one.
Its the first time I feel cheated . My best friend kiara proved herself to be unworthy of being my best friend . I told her all my secrets and treated her as my real sister but she , she used me to become a part of our school coolest mean group . I feel insulted on her deeds . Today I heard that kiara spreaded a very bad news about me . she told everyone that i was a jealous
person and I used to spread fake news in the whole school . She even told them all of my secrets . I feel so bad for myself , I feel shame but at the same time i feel anger. Huh! i wished i never would've had met her but I am not a weak person , I am gonna prove my innocence to every one .
I shouldn't have trusted her so easily and from now onwards i will be more careful.