Your classmate's cellphone was confiscated because he was caught watching ponography and he wants you to help him get his cellphone back
First of all, watching pornography in class is really offensive.
If your friend asks you to help him sort out this problem,you should first tell him that he made a mistake.
When you both visit the teacher you should tell him that your friend has realised his mistake.
But even though he did this, the teacher should understand that it's not entirely his fault.
In our society sex is a word something everyone is afraid of speaking.
We are in a society where having premarital sex is seen as an offence.
Even a couple was beaten up in metro for holding hands.
So when a kid hits puberty they think sex is the forbidden apple.
And like Eve he or she can't resist it.
And then comes the desire to get as close to the "sex" they can.
Hence, your friend was just a puppet in this theatre.
He is at the age where sex and adventure makes him do severe thing.
So you hope that your teacher understands this.
And instead of punishing him for watching pornography he should be taught properly about sex.
And the difference between offensive and mischevious or adventurous.