English, asked by TbiaSamishta, 1 year ago

Your cousin sabroop took part in the republic day parade in New delhi and was declared the NCC cadet. Write a letter about 120 words enquiring how she work. Please write it


Answered by Arslankincsem


7/D Mahendra Road, Kolkata 700025,October 10 2018,Dear Sunil ,I am extremely happy to note that you are successful been declared the NCC cadet in Republic day parade, held in New Delhi. Congratulation. Please reply to a few things today.For the last six months, you were trying your best become N.C.C cadet but with no success. This was a matter of great extent anxiety of anxiety for you as well as and grief for your friends like me. Yesterday, I learned with great joy that you have finally succeeded to join the NCC. What I want to know is, how did you achieve it? How did you finally became successful after months of hard work? I would like to mention over here that  I am very proud of you and that I too want to join the NCC. Please provide necessary tips. Your friend  Amal

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