Your Experience During tha Cyclone titli essay
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Christmas eve and i was sitting in my room on my lap top, i was talking to some friends on msn.. anyways as i was telling them about my day the power suddenly went out, i called down to my mum and asked what was wrong and why the power went out. she told me to come down stairs to have a look at something. once i got down stairs her and my dad were looking outside, which i though was a bit strange because they all had shocked faces. i went to see what all the fuss was about and as i looked through the window i saw houses being tared apart in the distance and a huge whirling cyclone coming towards our house, there were bits of rubbish and branches flying everywhere, someones chair had hit our car and caused all the windows to break. immediately i started to panic, my dad was telling us to hurry and get as many blankets and mattresses as possible and go down into the basement. i did as he said and waited 4 them to join me. we all huddled in the basement and closed the door after us, the sound was unbearable u could hear our house being tared apart and ripped to shreds. we were so frightened that we would be its next victims we stayed as close together as possible.. about 4 hrs had gone past and the sounds was starting to quieten down and disappear, we were still too scared to leave the basement so we stayed 4 another 1 and a half hrs then we decided to go and see how much damage was caused. as we opened the basement door all we could see for miles was smashed up houses and rubbish everywhere, there was nothing left of our house but rubble.
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