English, asked by puiteinu, 9 months ago

Your experience on "Students life after Coved 19" in 300 to350 wards ​


Answered by natashaghildiyal

boring cause u cant go out much especially when youre building has had 3 cases T_T but not much u can do except keep urself safe dont you agree?

plz mark me as brainliest

Answered by ptripathi18jul

Student's life after covid 19 is going to be interesting and exciting. In this pandemic we got to experience things which were extremely new and different for us.

We got to experience such new things like online classes and technical studies. But now when we will finally get to see our classrooms and teachers, ofcourse it is going to be exciting. But things will not be the same because calling all the students at once with no safety would be dangerous because we still will have to maintain social distance.

Now let's talk about the mental stress of students during lockdown. So many teenagers were depressed and got anxiety and panic issues during lockdown because not all the teenagers are used to stay captive in one house for so many months. And also they got stress of studies because we were not able to get in sync with our teachers. And after all these months of online studies we can say that real classes are definitely better than the virtual ones. But now the lockdown is going to be over so students will definitely feel mentally relaxed.

Ho.wever, this experience of us was horrifying, still it taught us something. Somethings were new but still taught us a lesson. We got to understand ourselves better and spend time with our family. So, let us accept what is happening and make each other accept it as well


So here I wrote what you were asking for but I didn't count the words so please manage that. you can add something yourself...thankyou.

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