Your friend has joined a new school mid session.write a letter to him suggesting how to cope with the pressure of completing the backlog missed syllabus.
Gulmohar Park Colony,
21 - March - 2020.
Dear Dane,
I'm so glad that you joined back to our school after such a long time. How are you feeling? I've heard that you met with an accident last summer, and I'm so happy for you to recover. Rest yourself, I'm sure you're quite well now, aren't you?
So this year, i.e in 9th there is a lot of syllabus. I understand that it's not very possible to complete stuffs so soon, but don't worry I'll give you a timetable when we meet. Until then, I hope you'll read the books given. I'll share you my notes, and assignments which are important, don't worry about that. Don't take a lot of pressure, it might affect you health. You see, it's simple. All you've to do is just focus, focus on studies and nothing else.
I'm always there for you, any help required then do ask me. How are Uncle & Aunt, how is your little sister? Can't wait to see you at school.
Format of an informal letter :
Sender's Address.
Complimentary Close.
Your friend, lovingly, truly, Love,
Writer's name.
(I) ObjectivesOfPhysicalEducation= 1)physicalDevelopment 2)PsycologicalDevelopment
(II) AimsOfOptimumAndWholesome Development=1)EducativeExperience2)PersonalityDevelopment3)EffectiveCitizenship(III)TWODEFINATIONOFp. ED1)PhysicalEducationIsTheSumOfThoseExperiencesWhichComeToTheIndividual2)p.edIsphaseofschoolprogramwhichisconcernedlargelywithgrowthandDevelopmentOfchildren