“Youth is a blunder, Manhood is a struggle and Old age a regret.” essay
Life is a kaleidoscopic spectacle, presenting varying aspects at various stages. To survey the progress of a person from childhood to old age is indeed very revealing. The years of childhood and boyhood are a period free from cares or earnestness: it is only in the youth that one comes to taste some of the realities of man’s existence on this globe. A youth merges into manhood, which in turn, passes into old age, life unfolds itself in many new and startling ways. There is no hiatus between one period and another, though each is distinguishable from the other in some outstanding manner.
To stand at threshold of youth is indeed thrilling. One’s physical, mental and spiritual powers are nearing maturity. It is the blossoming of life which youth confers upon man. The pulsation of energy which courses through the being of a young man is intoxicating and maddening. It is a period of growth and fulfillment, the limits of which are unknown and unknowable. A young man is conscious of ever-growing energy and enthusiasm. He is buoyant, hopeful, confident and adventurous. The world lies before him and he is full of boundless exuberance and vitality. He is eager to drink life to the last, to taste every kind of experience, to cherish the highest ambitions and aspirations. Nothing seems to be difficult or impossible or unattainable. The glory of youth lies in pitching one’s goal as high as possible and to reek nothing of the obstacles and dangers that may lie in the way of its realization. Youth is, therefore, proverbially a period of dreams and visions and ideas which, to a mature mind, often appear to be either ridiculous or absolutely impracticable.